
Understanding How to Choose the Right Pond Pump Without Getting Frustrated

Your interest in purchasing a pond pump has certainly caught your attention. You know that getting a good pump is essential for achieving health and happiness in your pond. It gets overwhelming when you enter a store which displays numerous pumps before you. Don’t worry! Here are some details that can help you decide on the correct pump without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

People living in or near Kent should consider That Pond Guy Services for an easy pond pump purchase experience. The professionals deliver the best brand names in pond pumps together with filtration equipment and all necessary installation tools. Additionally the company handles setup tasks along with maintenance work and repairs for those who prefer professional assistance.

Determine the purpose

First things first, you will need to determine what purposes do you intend to use the pump for? Does your need involve creating waterfalls through fountains or streams or do you need it purely for circulating water?  You also need to establish both the desired size and kind of pond that you wish to create.

Your required purpose will determine the necessary pump type because it defines the functionality you want to achieve.

pond pump purchase

Flow rate

A gallon per hour (GPH) represents the measurement used for flow rate. Your pond size determines the water circulation rate required for the pump. To maintain optimal water circulation in your pond you should run the pump to circulate its total volume at least one time during every two hour period. If the size of your pond holds 1,000-gallon, the minimum required flow rate should be at least 500 GPH.

Head height

Evaluating the situation extends beyond mere water volume. Head height represents another important factor for your pump requirements. The height to which the water pump must operate defines the measurement. If you have a waterfall or fountain, you must select a pump that reaches enough head height to ensure the water gets where it needs to go. Check the manufacturer’s specification to find the maximum head height offered.

Pump types

There are two main types:

  • Submersible pumps remain in the water. They offer convenience together with reduced noise levels.
  • External pumps operate outside the water. These devices are more powerful and easy to maintain but are a little noisier.

Generally, backyard ponds operate best with quality submersible pumps.

Energy efficiency

Everyone dislikes receiving high electricity bills. Pumps with reliable energy efficiency should be your priority during selection. The initial investment for efficient pumps will turn into savings across extended periods of time.

Filtration system

It is essential to consider filtration systems. A good pump works in synch with filtration system offering great effectiveness in keeping water quality optimal. Select a pump that operates well with your selected filter mechanism. Remember, a pump system that features high power but uses a fragile filter will not produce effective results.


Maintenance is crucial to keep the pump operation efficiently. There are modern pumps designed with features like quick disassemble and access to make cleaning process smooth.


A pump unable to deal with elements is not a good choice. Choose a pump made from solid materials that can handle weather situations. Even look for a good warranty!

Choosing the right pump is possible without any headaches. Just consider the pond’s size, your goal and even the right features. A little research before committing goes a long way!

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